Why do we need a Sustainable Development Strategy?

South Downs Leisure is an Award Winning Sustainable Trust.  We have achieved a great deal over the last five years, and it is important not to lose sight of the great work that staff and partners have contributed to along the way.  We have put together this strategy with its own Vision, Mission and Values to help us identify the issues that matter. 

Award Winning Sustainable Trust

South Downs Leisure is absolutely delighted to have won The Sustainable Business Award 2022 at the Adur and Worthing Business Awards.

Sustainability Winner for 2022
3 pillars of sustainability at South Downs Leisure


Our Vision, Mission & Values

We are working hard to implement our values, by reaching these, we will achieve the triple bottom line for a Sustainable South Downs Leisure.

Our sustainability Development Strategy 2022 - 2026
  • Make our facilities carbon net zero by 2040 including our pools.
  • Make our dry side facilities carbon net zero by 2030.
  • Put sustainability at the forefront of key decisions made across South Downs Leisure.
  • Training staff 
  • Educating customers on our journey
  • Avoid Greenwashing
  • Minimize fossil fuel sources where possible
  • Understand supply chain
  • 3 P’s in all decisions
  • Health and Wellbeing of staff
  • Supporting the wider community


  • Fitted over 300 Solar panels with BEC
  • Purchased a new Pool Cover
  • Recently spent over £60,000 on LED’s across 7 sites
  • Eco cups in our café to reduce disposables
  • All disposables are plant based
  • Introduced Source of the Earth Crisps – plant based and paper packaging
  • Tap sensors
  • Underfloor heating
  • Variable Speed Drives (VSD)
  • Ultra Violet (UV)
  • Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
  • Heat blankets on pipes and valves
  • Reduced our temperatures of pools
  • Reviewing our backwashing
  • Grey water from pool to flush toilets
  • Food waste collected & recycled monthly, by Adur & Worthing Councils

Solar panels at splashpoint leisure centre

Installed by Brighton Energy Corporation (BEC). 

Over 300 panels that supply 98,000 kWh of electricity per year reducing our carbon footprint by 27 tonnes of CO2e.  


Innovative thinking

Electrical Bikes
We have purchased three electrical bikes to minimize car travel between sites with a KPI in the first year for each bike to save over 400 miles of car journeys.

Teams Meetings
We have reviewed all meetings to minimise travel between sites.

Paperless at Head Office
We are introducing capture for invoices, docusign for contracts and launching electronic timesheets in Sept 2022.

Electrical Bikes
Recycling rubbish


Team Effort

Throughout our centres, our staff are determind to make a difference.

All this refuse was put in the normal waste bins at Southwick Leisure Centre. Ed has worked his magic and now this will all be recycled.  


Read the lastest blogs on South Downs Leisure sustainability development.

From Worthing to Gibraltar

Ongoing sustainable initiatives

read more
New LED Floodlights

Ongoing sustainable initiatives

read more
Greendreams in Worthing


Worthing in the community by…

Creating an event that has over 2000 visitors.

Local homeless charity has had use of our kitchen over Christmas to prepare food for homeless

3-month exercise pass for homeless and refugees

Low income referral scheme

Old towels to Dog Trust

Goodgym Worthing

Funded by South Downs Leisure – Get Fit – Do Good

Adopted our garden at Worthing Leisure Centre
Helped at Vaccination Centre
Free to attend
30 members

Worthing Honey Collective

Bee Hives on the roof and gardens
Trained staff as Bee Keepers
Produced Worthing Leisure Centre Honey

Think of the environment

Together, We can change the world

Thank you for caring