Three Forts Challenge

Three Forts Challenge – Sunday 4th May 2025

Welcome to the best running event for miles!

Known as “The Tough One” the Three Forts Marathon (27.2 miles) includes a total of c. 3450 ft of climb with stiles and rough tracks underfoot. The route’s NEW start and finish will be at Lancing Manor Leisure Centre.

Raising funds for Ferring Country Centre and other local charities

All profits from the race goes to Ferring Country Centre and other local charities – Ferring Country Centre is a charity for people with learning disabilities, providing meaningful training and work experience in their Riding Therapy Unit, Garden Centre, Café and Farm

enter online

Three Races to choose from!

Are you up for the “Tough One” or if the full marathon isn’t up your street, you could choose the Half Marathon or even the 5 Mile Trail Run?

Full Marathon

27.2 miles.  Open to entrants aged 18 and over on 05/05/2024.

£45.00 (Includes photos and medal)

Half Marathon

Open to entrants aged 18 and over on 05/05/2024.

£35.00 (Includes photos and medal)

3FC 5 Mile Trail Run

Open to entrants aged 16 and over on 05/05/2024.

£20.00 (Includes photos and medal)

Q and A's

  • Marathon | 9am
  • Half Marathon | 9.15am
  • 5 mile Trail Run  | 9.30am

Please note the maximum run time for the full marathon is 6 hours.

The new start/finish for 2025 will be at Lancing Manor Leisure Centre, Manor Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 0PH

Venue: Recreation ground, Hill Barn Lane, Worthing, West Sussex BN14 9QF.  Grid ref: 142050.  OS Sheets Landranger 98 & Explorer 121. (exit A27 at its eastern junction with the A24)


All routes

Download all the routes for 2025

Full Marathon

Full Marathon 2025

GPX for 2025

Half Marathon

Map of Half Marathon for 2025

GPX for Half Marathon for 2025

5 Mile Trail Run

Map of Trail Run for 2025

GPX Trail Run for 2025

The results will be displayed on the Three Forts Website

Changing rooms, showers and toilets. Hot food, cakes and drinks will be available at the Start/Finish. Medical Assistance will be available across the course all day.

To be announced very soon along with new start/end.

We accept entries from runners with a dog. Our policy is that this only applies to runners who regularly run with their dog and that the runner complies with the guidance issued by Canicross. The guidance includes using an appropriate harness and lead.

Dogs must be on a lead attached to a well-fitted running harness worn by the dog at all times while competing in a race. Leads may be held in the hand or attached to a competitor’s waist belt.

In general dogs must run ahead of or alongside the competitor throughout a race. At no time may dogs be dragged forward by their lead. However it is acceptable for a dog to follow a competitor on a steep downhill or slow technical section, provided that the dog is not at any time being dragged forward by the competitor.

Competitors must do their utmost to ensure that their dogs do not interfere with other runners or dogs. When hailed by an overtaking competitor, they must give way to allow the competitor to overtake as soon as it is safe to do so. Overtaking competitors must give due warning before attempting to pass.

The use during a race of mobile phones, personal stereos, MP3 players or any similar device that impairs concentration or the ability to hear marshals or other runners is strictly forbidden. Anyone using such a device shall be liable to be eliminated from the race.

If any dog shall foul the ground while competing in a race, the competitor shall immediately remove the fouling, in accordance with the venue’s policies, from any area where it is likely to be trodden on before continuing with the race. Where required to completely remove fouling, competitors shall pick it up, and must carry it to and dispose of it responsibly in the receptacles provided. In such cases competitors must carry with them whilst racing a means of removing dog fouling.

Leads which are attached to a competitor’s waist belt must be no more than 2 metres in length and must incorporate a bungee or elasticated section or be made from an elastic material. Leads held in the hand must be no more than 1.7 metres in length. Leads should be measured at full extension.

Dogs must compete in a flat buckle or snap collar, which must bear the name and address of the dog’s owner inscribed on the collar or on a tag or plate attached to it.

Harnesses worn by dogs when taking part in a race must be well-fitted, must not constrict breathing, and must have the lead attachment on the upper back. Harnesses designed to deter dogs from pulling must not be used.

Competitors may not wear footwear with spikes, hard studs or similar projections on the soles which could injure the dog.


Can you help us on the day

Volunteers are crucial to the success of the Three Forts Challenge, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for runners. Previous participants can appreciate the support provided by volunteers along the route. Marshals are especially valued for their enthusiasm and encouragement, contributing significantly to the event’s positive atmosphere.

If you’re interested in volunteering, your help would be greatly appreciated.  Would you be so kind and leave us a few details below:

Volunteers for Three Forts Challenge