Splashpoint Leisure Centre – Closing Times

Splashpoint Leisure Centre

With the current economic climate the way it is, and the ever-increasing cost of utilities, we have made the hard decision that from Monday 10th October, the centre will be operating earlier closing times throughout the week, as per the below:

Monday to Thursday:
Gym, Health Suite, Leisure Pool and Diving Pool to close at 20:00

Gym, Health Suite, Leisure Pool and Diving Pool to close at 20:30

Gym, Health Suite and Leisure Pool to close at 17:00, Main Pool and Diving Pool to remain open until 19:00 for parties and clubs / gala’s

Will remain closing at 20:00

We understand this will affect a number of users, however we have looked to cause the least disruption to members and users of the facilities with these new closing times. We have not taken this decision lightly, but temporary measures have been put in place to ensure the longer-term future operation of the centre.

There are gym facilities that remain open after Splashpoint Leisure Centre’s closing times on weekdays, including Worthing Leisure Centre and Davison Leisure Centre

We hope you understand the decision, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your continued support.

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